Code Style Guide.
Naming Conventions:
Variables: Use camelCase for local variables. Prefix global variables with
and static class variables withs_
, followed by camelCase:int countEnts; int g_globalData; bool s_mapParse;
Functions and Methods: Use camelCase, starting with a verb that describes the function’s action:
void IdActor::myAwesomeFunction() { /* Some code goes here */ }
Classes and Structs: Use PascalCase. Prefix interfaces with I and abstract classes with Abstract:
struct idStructExample { int structVariable; };
Official release idtech4 codebases names their interfaces/Classes with different names
for HumanHead (Prey 2006) andrv
for RavenSoftware (Quake 4). -
Constants and Enums: Use
with underscores between words:typedef enum { ENUM_ONE, ENUM_TWO, ENUM_THREE } enumListType_t;
Files: Source files (.cpp) and header files (.h) should match the class name they define. Use lower_case with underscores for non-class-specific files:
+-- .. |-- (Doom 3 GPL Release) | |-- game | |-- Entity.cpp | |-- Entity.h | |-- Game_Local.h | |-- Game_Something.h | +-- ..
Formatting and Style:
Brace Style: Use the K&R BSD KNF style, with open brace on the same line:
void IdActor::SetFOV( float fov ) { }
- Pointer and Reference Symbols: Attach to the type, not the variable name.
- One Statement Per Line: Avoid multiple statements on the same line to enhance readability.
- Indentation: Use tabs, not space, with a size of 2 tabs per indentation level.
- Spaces: Use spaces around operators and after commas to improve readability.
- Line Length: Try to keep lines under 80 characters when possible, breaking longer lines logically.
Comments and Documentation:
Use doxygen-style comments for documenting classes, methods, and functions:
/* ===================== idCameraView::Stop ===================== */
Place brief descriptions on the same line as the comment start, and detailed descriptions on subsequent lines:
/* ================ idGameEdit::ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity parse the static model parameters this is the canonical renderEntity parm parsing, which should be used by dmap and the editor ================ */
Comment every class, public method, and complex block of code to explain intent, not how the code works.
Best Practices:
Initialize all variables upon declaration:
class idActor : public idAFEntity_Gibbable { /* IdActor code goes here... */ bool dontBleed; /* IdActor code goes here... */ } class idActor::IdActor() { dontBleed = false; }
- Prefer const correctness. Use const wherever possible.
- Explicitly define copy constructors and assignment operators for classes managing resources.
- Prefer C++ casts over C-style casts.
- Use nullptr instead of NULL or 0 for pointer initialization and comparison.
- Adhere to the Rule of Three/Five, providing custom copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and destructor when you manually manage resource allocation.
- Organize class definitions with public members first, followed by protected, then private.
- Prefer prefix over postfix increment/decrement operators for non-primitive types.
File Organization:
- Header files should start with a guard to prevent multiple inclusions and include only necessary headers to minimize dependencies.
- Group include directives logically, starting with standard library headers, followed by third-party libraries, and then project-specific headers.